"Time and Will are the most precious things mortals have; They are beyond the reach of Gods."
A group united under the Warrior of Light who regained the power to choose. They are each broken by cruelty; together this is their strength. All that claims to be divine shall die, that Man may rise.
TW for entire page: Suicide mention, implied rape, child abuse and neglect/abandonment, child murder, murder, slavery, kidnapping mention, pedophilia, sexual molestation and assault, gore, animal mutilation, animal death, corpse mutilationLore is often broken in favor of custom ideas; I personally modify details as I choose for the stories I like

Sun Seeker Name: U'ralhana OdhMoon Keeper Name: Osha TayuunName given to self: Vaste ValescoereHeight: 5'2Race: Half Sun Seeker & Moon Keeper Miqo'teAge: 23 (immortal)Birthday: 5/8 | 8th Sun of the 3rd Astral MoonWeapon: SpearNumber of Times Died: 576+Secret: Loves fashion; if she were in contemporary times would own a motorcycle and be laid back, sometimes forgets to take her braid out before sleeping and wakes up with awful bedhead hairPronouns: She / Her & He / Him ( Non-Binary )
Born as U'odh Nunh's only child from a one night stand with a traveling Moon Keeper. She was abandoned to the care of the U Tribe by her mother after her birth. Throughout her childhood however this circumstance remained hidden from her and much of the village for fear of the outrage it could incite.In the following years she was raised no differently from other U children; there were rare subtle cases her father acted gentler toward her in private. One such instance came in allowing her to learn one of the few travelers who visited attached to a trade party.The man carried bags of baubles and tools she'd never seen, but more importantly, he possessed books. As an educated scholar restricted from sharing the full of his knowledge by U'odh, he taught her selections of basic verbal Common. There was however another prize she'd never have expected. From the most worn of his collection she was shown the precursor to modern Garlean in a handful of words. It was of these she later devised her own name. After the party's departure it would be several years until she finally learned to read and write following arrival to New Gridania.At 21 and after passing all rites to become a full hunteress seven years earlier, she acted upon her feelings of boredom, isolation, and existential listlessness. In one night she announced her intent to leave the tribe forever; she was banished as per tradition soon after. Unbeknownst to her behind closed doors, her father wept until dawn. She trekked to Ul'dah and wandered the streets dazzled by the new world it offered. Here her limited Common proved frustrating as it was her best resource. Of what little possessions she carried her worn spear remained both greatest tool and spiritual instrument. A burning interest in expanding her skills put her on the path towards the Lancer's Guild within The Black Shroud.Life in New Gridania floundered before it stabilized. Odd jobs and their pay as an adventurer provided just enough to live. This lasted only some months when a sudden assignment brought her deep into the wood. After succeeding in aiding the Scions Yda and Papalymo, she was drawn to a shimmering crystal. Immediately upon touching it her conciousness faded into an audience in undefined space. At its center came the voice of Hydaelyn, the Crystal Mother.Suddenly and against her will she was entrhalled; embued with superhuman abilities. The senses, strength, and reflexes she'd already posessed were also heightened to unbridled levels. The surge of power without her consent shocked and terrified, no matter how many told her she'd been blessed. She became haunted by unbidden visions of other's private historied affairs at random. Where once she was confined to only her Common and U Tribe tongues, now every language flooded into her understanding.Most disturbing of all, she is denied the eternal rest of death. Though her body may still physically die, The Echo restores it to its previous state. Despite this her mind remembers the pain of how she was killed last. Thus she has been removed from the natural cycle completely; not allowed to age or permanently retain any changes to her body/appearence. In the early days even after receiving an education on these changes via the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, none were able to sympathize with her in the way she needed. The result nearly drove her mad at the anguish, but she forced it to remain in her private thoughts.She was pushed to embrace the mantle of Warrior of Light as others suddenly began to call her. Increasingly seeing the effects of her reverence and reputation- the fanatical enthusiasm with which others could commit atrocities in her name; she found herself horrified and trapped on a social pedestal. With no other options open to her, she continued on the path she'd been thrown. Through this she traveled the world, liberated nations, learned from fine teachers. She gained numerous friends and infinitely more followers with her power and sociable demeanor. She found love in Yugiri Mistwalker, whom she adores in the way Xaela men call their lovers after goddess Nhaama. Though these relationships aid against the anxieties in her thoughts they cannot extinguish them.She continues on occasion to feel suicidal tendencies as literally useless as would be. The growing bitterness of being removed from nature's way, from her tribal goddess Azeyema, from the purpose mortality brings, has caused her to hate Hydaelyn.Beneath the polite, cheerful facade she once believed wholeheartedly, she schemes to cure her afliction. Her plan begins naively searching for a replacement to train, someone to then bring before Hydaelyn in a bargain. She realizes the consequences and foolishness of this method after her canidate changes; in desperation this forces her to a new extreme. Away from the knowledge of even those closest to her she aims to destroy both Hydaelyn and Zodiark. A world unburdened by the suffering the supernatural brings is preferrable to the struggles the world faces. More importantly, it could offer a solution to her state. Even if it is utter madness.After a time she looks within herself as the world changes. Though indeed death is enticing to think of, she finds still that voice inside. The voice that wants to cling to life, that begs to exist. Something in this primal desire grows until it blooms into a reluctant desire. Maybe she can live, for her loved ones, in time for herself.On the brink of her darkest self staring down the chasm of destruction, she reemerges with purpose. Her trauma cannot be cured but it can give her the strength to heal. With the aid of her loyal former replacement and student, Gan Arulaq, they search. No stone is left unturned in the quest for answers on Vaste's condition, the hope in understanding it so that death may not be the answer. The path to the gods, to Hydaelyn and Zodiark is arduous but they do not falter.Along their hunt their resolve to reshape the world draws others near. Four new companions sworn to help expand them to a group. One of them conceives their name in a moment of clarity. They are The Guardians of Time; for time is the gift all mortal life is given to make count. Against even almighty powers they crusade to defend it. A world without magic, without gods, no primordial masters toying with humanity- it will be done for the good of all. Each is united by brotherhood and disdain of the fates written for them.

Gan Arulaq
Age: 21Birthday: 8/14 | 14th Sun of the Fourth Umbral MoonHometown: The Tail Mountains of the Azim SteppeNicknames: Fool, False Warrior of Light, Dragon's DiscipleWeapon: Spear/HalberdAlignment: Neutral GoodLikes: A good sleep, Cleanliness, Being able to do whats right, Helping others, Cooking & Baking, the Arts, Horseback Riding, Shiina & His son KeteDislikes: Things made needlessly complicated, being seen as disrespectful if he wants to make a good impression, a part of him is still someone who just wants to do what he's told and he hates itSkills: Excellent at drawing and craft arts with his creativity for soap making melding imagination with function- he will often give his soaps away or as gifts and has a likeminded fan in Lewena, he is also good at physical sports and will join Mercuo on teams, however he is awful at card games due to poor bluffing, he is also good with nail polish and enjoys a variety of colors in his outfits being surprisingly fashion savvy
A 7'1 giant of a young man, he was born and raised to a tribe isolated even by Xaela standards. For 200 years the Arulaqs were believed lost; their recent discovery in the mountain valleys dragged them into public light of a world foreign even to meet ancestral kin. While many members sought to retain traditions and navigate change, Gan embraced it.
As a child he'd dreamed there was indeed more beyond the range and narrow fields- regardless of naysayers. Though he held ambition it came with naivety and wrongful self assurance. These traits with a level of hardheaded bravery made him the loudest voice of those who desired tribal expansion.When the other Xaela tribes had come, the Arulaqs were fractured, by the time Doman missives came, they were exhausted. Gan had remained a fringe element in no large part from his age playing against him in the face of elders.When Doman shinobi brought word of a recruitment directive he approached them without hesitation. He'd heard only the barest far flung stories on the Warrior of Light; regardless he was enraptured. That one of such power and will existed beyond his world gave him new purpose.Though he cared for the memories of his deceased parents, the father before his birth- his mother taken by illness but months ago, there was nothing to lose. He gathered what little was his and struck out without looking back.The Warrior herself proved his childish image wrong the moment she asked for him personally. She was playful yet difficult in the things she wanted, social but with him only within the barest politeness. If one asked him what he knew of her so close he grumbled out his ignorance. Their isolation in Yanxia for his training thus began on a frustrated foot. Her presence the first week was punctuated by her appearance once a day for a directive. Each tested an aspect of his self sufficiency- something he'd appreciate in hindsight.In the months that followed slowly but surely he grew accustomed to her. Her air of mystery fell away and he saw her honest, emotional, wise, and behind her humor a deep sadness. He realized he worked not with a mere hero or pedestaled savior but a woman. He reached his 21st summer in her company high above the Namai rice paddies.He emerged a man changed not entirely, but in ways that mattered. Where once he spoke without pause or care he considered then acted. He learned better than to squander opportunity and to seize it- that there was enlightenment in boring self reflection and stillness. Most importantly he gained a friend. His spear arm was strong.When his mentor revealed the aim of finding him was to train a successor as she searched for permanent death, he was given time to think. He concluded in the beginning that without question he would follow her. A woman caught his eye not long after. His resolve he found tested, then put aside when she returned his affection. She was Shiina Kaneuchi of the Raen secluding themselves beneath the Ruby Sea.Though he remained faithful to his duties and friends his love affair took strong presence in his mind. For the first time there was a woman not to look upon him with disdain or fear in his overbearing stature. She had an easy laugh and headstrong nature beneath her kindness toward many. At the unexpected birth of their son his priorities changed. No longer did he feel able or worthy to take the self isolating responsibility of his master.Nothing less than Shiina's death a month later of illness solidified his need to stand by the only family that remained. He would be a father to his son, and to the boy Shiina left him and loved. This did not create the rift he expected between his master and he emerged with a stronger bond. He remains one to aid his master but leaves the bulk of saving the world to her.He grew up not knowing much on his father beyond stories, old rumors, and a few keepsakes. It was a subject largely avoided by his mother and left a bad taste in his mouth for solid answers, even if he otherwise loved her. The man was in fact a member of the Angura, not an Arulaq. This coupled with a fairer skinned mother gave Gan his light rusty toned complexion that further isolated him from the tribe as an other.The fact that his father died defending his pregnant mother in a duel against the tribal Khan after the conception was discovered will never be known to him. Regardless, in his father's absence he learned the value a parent's presence has on his children.He and Vaste share an easygoing sense of humor though this was something he already possessed before meeting her, alongside a laidback attitude. Talented in the culinary arts as much as he enjoys it, he pours his heart into every dish he makes taking great pride in the process; something learned from his mother.Being so flexible and open minded he makes it a point to learn the cultures of others; this hit harder after Shiina's death where his interest in studying Raen ways became a way to stay connected to her and to educate their son on her half of the family. He is closest to Vaste and Lewena in the group and often gets into all sorts of shenanigans with them.

Lewena Calderon
Age: 24Height: 5'5Birthday: 9/16 | 17th Sun of the Fifth Astral MoonDislikes: Lack of personal space from strangers, the color canary yellow, Pahsana fruit (she's allergic to tomatoes), too much alcohol, smell of smoke/smokingLikes: Gardening, alchemy, Cheeses, baking, training and aspiring to run an apothecary, dancing, singing as she cleans, pulling her friends and girlfriend into her latest idea, making her mother happyWeapon: Her powers of Summoning to conjure/merge with the entities she is partnered to, she is capable of telepathically communicating with those Summons of high enough intelligence, and can change her physical body at will to channel and "borrow" their powers in full body forms or partial transformation- her wardrobe is (generally) designed to accommodate her shifting. She possesses magic negation as well by overwhelming her opponents aether with her own to a scale whereby theirs becomes nonexistent.Whenever she is in a Primal form she will naturally absorb any magic of the element matching that Primal's domain.
| Were she to lose control in her ability to partner Summons she would become a beacon of aether ripe for consumption, absorbing the essence of all Primals and capable of ending the universe.Favorite Summon: Her carbunclesTriggers: Feeling trapped and helpless, constricted, bound, whips and anything whip or chain-like including clothing patterns, intimate physical contact (initially)Is the type of person who would eat an uncooked block of instant ramen if there was nothing else; though she would be a high profile dance instructor in a modern reality, she would also be drawn to wanting to be a pop star
A woman who as a girl of 15 was cast from her village; she practices and carries extreme magical potential. She is a Summoner by discipline; so powerful is her latent ability she does not require a catalyst for 30 minutes if needed; any longer duration and she will risk death, or worse, deforming into an aetherial monster. Otherwise however she is trained in the standard use of tome catalysts.Due to manifesting her power young she was first tolerated in her Garlean conquered hometown. Then she grew older, stronger, not abandoning it to childhood. Carbuncles were her friends and pranks her pastime. Her pupils remained solid black, unnatural. Tolerance fell into envy, fear, and superstitious paranoia.Her parents turned a blind eye when their neighbors seized her. They'd produced a thing, not a child. She was dragged into the town hall. On the makeshift alter they made of the podium, the strongest men pinned her down. Frightened beyond belief and pleading not to die she screamed as a tattoo was etched on her face. She was a Praecantatio, a demon, a spellcaster. Garlean expectation dictated her subhuman.Alone she wandered the wilderness surviving through trial and error. Little by little she grew forced to rely on her carbuncles to live through days she couldn't will to get up. Weakened and seeing herself broken she was found by mercenaries collapsed on the road. They carried her to camp and gave the barest first aid. When next she woke it was behind the bars of a slave wagon packed with unfortunates.Children cried and chewed scraps or sucked thumbs to ease hunger; their parents if any were present barely able to feed themselves. Some were maimed former soldiers turned beggar, some owed debts- those screamed loudest. Most were simply at the wrong place at the wrong time, carried off even as raid spoils. The sudden deaths became commonplace, the cries under grunts and wicked chuckles at night another background noise.They were dirty and starving and nameless. This was fate at work, she thought. This was the price of magic. The gods were angry and her village justified. Eventually those left were split up at market. Some joined her with slaves from other pools to their new home. Fieldwork had quickly been deemed beyond her feeble body. Weaving proved a better use for her nimble hands; the refuse clogging her lungs working looms and her raw hands defined her worth. Accepting it came easy, the poor ventilation, the sting of a whip if she fumbled, true or not.She'd thought banishment enough to break her; chains taught her there was a lower place.Two years passed where time became abstraction. Little by little the hard labor molded her fit enough to work outdoors. What there was to be done she did. Mucking the shit from stables, digging outhouses, etc. She fended off the lecherous hands at every occasional turn and withdrew to herself. Her voice rasped from disuse when she grew selectively mute.Her failure for words mattered naught on the worst night she lived. Fence repair brought her group at the edge of the property. That was part of the process, break someone's will when upon a chance at freedom they look away. Thrashing and whimpers mixed with low voices reached her from within the wood. She'd have ignored it, were one not the sound of a child. At her first chance unseen she moved closer. A young boy lay pinned on his stomach, a woman atop him and man kicking him for every whimper. She was old enough to understand the worst adults forced others into bed. When they slit his throat so too did her heart fracture.Lewena's primal fear at the scene reignited her survival instinct, even if in terror. She dropped all she held when they locked eyes; she ran with the rags on her back into the trees, afraid to look behind. The two overseers sprinted after her by moonlight with groping hands. She ran until her body burned and vision blurred and the urge to vomit threatened to topple her over. One tackled and at her thud on the ground she wrestled for freedom. Somewhere there her touch glowed in a new sensation. The man dissolved into a fleshy concoction spilled from his clothes. Her aether raged so strong her first Bio cast shot murder incarnate. There was no time to awe, she kept running. The weak glow of her unused carbuncles were her guidance.Time found her in Ul'Dah's infamous Pearl Lane in a homeless life hardly better than before; but at least here there was independence. Thievery did not frighten her like panhandling. With every success she grew instinctive, predatory, violent. She gave up speech entirely and paid no due to her appearance; better to be unkempt than recognizable. On the worst days unlucky rats found themselves crunched in her jaw. Reaching into her aether after years drained what strength she'd gathered; like riding a bike however, her power needed only to reawaken. Her Summons were soon easy as breathing though she didn't know why. Carbuncles were her only friends.It happened during a street performance some months after her arrival. Her magic guided several carbuncles through practiced routines. Money flowed for her collection, though never enough for room and bath rather than one or another. A Lalafell woman of noble house passed with her retinue. The woman stopped and watched; faint amusement entangled by sadness and anger came over her. Fascination too for the unprecedented aether she sensed; a twinge of fear were it not tamed. Lewena was plucked back into civilization, under the wing of Archmage Weyd Calderon.Though her childhood was hellish she grew to gain a positive and cheery if naïve outer self. This is largely in thanks to Weyd treating her with dignity to provide her a space of recovery to channel herself and her feelings in productive ways. Her love of dance is a symptom of this attempt at nurturing; she sees it as her truest form of self expression from positive emotion down to her trauma. She stands in sharp contrast to Vaste who built up repeated traumas with almost no positive outlets nor proper support network. Together they spend lots of time letting Vaste adapt to having fun and work on mental health.In the present she has recently begun dating a stall clerk of the same age named C'taya Raol.She is kind and polite to sex workers by default as a good chunk of them helped her get by during her homelessness in Ul'Dah. Hers is a regular face among the pleasure houses and brothels up and down the city state to deliver baked goods she's made herself, give flowers, and trade gossip.It is thanks to her influencing her mother that the Calderon Family wealth also gives to brothels and has had a hand in revolutionizing health, safety, and procedures for the quality of life of the state's sex workers, regardless of how long they remain in their profession and even after they choose to leave it. It also does its best to reduce human trafficking with the goal of eliminating it in time and rehabilitating victims. One secret desire is to return to where she was a slave to slaughter the owners.

Weyd Calderon
Age: 36Height: 3'2Birthday: 10/1 | 1st Sun of the Fifth Umbral MoonWeapon: Black Magic both focused and unfocused via her staff, prefers combining fire with lightning, can physically ride a lightning strike by its branches, can raise cities from their foundations and set half a continent's space on fire, telekinesis, flight, mind warding, matter creation, glyphs and wards expert, magic negation via overwhelming opponent's aether with her presence (taught technique to Lewena), can manipulate heat and melt or boil anything at a touch (including bodies causing people to melt/dissolve from the inside out instantaneously or slowly)Body Secret: Is fully conductive for electricity after achieving mastery for lightning aspected aether despite naturally aligning to fire, enabling her to handle all lightning and electric currents as if they were nothing and in fact can absorb it into fueling her own lightning spells, she is practicing to expand this and become capable of turning herself into a living magic absorber.Lastest Discovery: Creation of aether bodiesProudest Achievement: Inventing new spells and redefining the mechanics of Aether manipulationFavorite Field of Study: Cultural RelationsNumber of Academic Texts Published: 65 and countingPreferred Tea: Oolong with two sugars and no milkDream: Traveling the worldOccupation: Scientist, Inventor, Patron of Arts, Sciences, and Public Welfare for the citizenry of Ul'DahGender: Non-Binary (she/her, he/him, they/them)
Born into a distinguished Lalafell noble house, she displayed magical potential from birth. It was whispered among the maids who attended her mother and house that the braizers burst tongues of flame to the ceiling at her arrival. Ul'Dah sat as a captial of the spellcasting world; her parents lavished her with an education below only the royal family themselves. Despite a childhood of relative warmth and awe from parents and teachers, time wore it thin.At age 8 her father spiraled into insanity. Paranoia and anxiety had been the onset months before. Life as a member of The Syndicate, self made nobles of grotesque wealth, placed its players a foot in an early grave. Where he once watched and lended a reluctant hand in scheming, the other shoe finally dropped. Former business partners took note of his financial successes in recent years. Took note of its prominence above theirs. Of the territories he slowly pried from their grasp.One year later his delusional fears proved true. The execution was flawless, their own guards bought against them. He collapsed mid dinner clutching his throat. The poison ate his lungs as a bloody foam bubbled out his mouth. Words were beyond him, only thrashing and muffled screams as he spent his last writhing moments. In under a minute he died on their dining room floor. At age 9 in the company of her wailing mother Weyd learned the world gave and took away.She threw herself into her education and magical training. Her heart hardened on the surface; she grew adopting methods terrifying even within their political landscape of murders and robbery from mere petty spite. In her late teens she at last burnt out. The joy in bending others to her will, in keeping the other merchant lords and ladies awake at night behind locked doors faded.She'd claimed the peerless seat of Arch-Mage at 14, manipulated the deaths of her father's killers and even the bulk of their kin. She could raise the city with a whisper and an ounce of magic on a whim. She could slaughter The Syndicate altogether, turn the Sultana into her puppet for an unstoppable conquest of the world- even of the Garlean Empire. She was nigh a god beyond Black Mages, and she was tired.Her chance encounter with Lewena at 29 arrived at a time when Weyd came to the twilight of calming her turmoil. One by one she wrestled to tame the hauntings of her past; and then enroute to a meeting, she found what shook her to the core. Though the girl was ragged she blazed aether so bright through the senses it dazzled before it terrified. Before her stood one who could break the world. Who stood dormant and ignorant; whom in that ignorance might well prove impossible to stop should she unravel. Touched by pity and bound to responsibility she rescued Lewena. It was then the process of remolding and polishing the girl she'd call assistant, apprentice, and later daughter began.A year prior to the present she began experimenting with a spell to create bodies formed of aether. Throughout her life she viewed legendary Black Mage of antiquity Shattoto, as inspiration and rival. None since that time had accomplished feats as she did; Weyd aimed to be the first of this age to top such a legacy.Though she was successful and created five bodies (all of different races but bearing resemblance to her, all female, and all with the same hair color) the cost nearly took her life. She spent a little over a year recovering in Lewena's care; relearned all of her spells and ability to command magic from the ground up.Currently though she has returned to normal, she shows apprehension at the thought of summoning even one of her creations; it is a technique she views as last resort.For years she remained an enigma in greater Ul'Dah politics and high society beyond a reputation as a recluse of monstrous power paired with a sharp mind. Her belief in asserting herself in all she does has created tensions with some members of the Syndicate and the Monetarists alike, even some Royalists.Being so aware of her own power and ambition drives her to chase her whimsy's as long as she deems them worthwhile and tempered by self discipline. She holds no devout loyalty to either the crown or coin of Ul'Dah, preferring to stake House Calderon's name on third party independence that aids whoever Weyd deems right.As a genius strategist with wisdom who adapts from her mistakes she has also served as counsel for the Immortal Flames and Sultansworn, begrudging as a few are to put up with her personality and refusal to play by expectations to the letter.In the years since taking Lewena in and surviving the Calamity she has ever so slightly pulled back the veil on her isolation; seeking out experts on mental counseling for her daughter and reconnecting with old contacts.Whereas under her father the family thrived manufacturing textiles, it now serves Weyd's thirst to advance the sciences and Black Magic research. Mercenaries like Mercuo and Syv have often been spotted on her payroll retrieving artifacts, tomes, and information. At every social event inviting her presence her air towers above most others in the room; everyone who knows someone who knows her awes before her might and grace.She feels no guilt acting around the law of Ul'Dah nor using its letters to her advantage. Be it for her research or philanthropy, she believes in freedom to make one's choices and that one with power should better humanity; the corruption of Ul'Dah, the system of Ul'Dah does not allow this. A distant dream is of a world where the sciences, arts, and community work with and for human compassion- not against it. In doing so she too will become fulfilled.

Mercuo Terrechant
Age: 23Height: 6'8Birthday: 6/27 | 28th Sun of the Third Umbral MoonWeapon: Sword, BucklerLikes: His sword, training with his sword, sword care, his boyfriend praising his swordsmanship, drinking with Syv, embarrassing K'ali at some petty game, reading, Weyd's tea, chatting with Syv & his boyfriend G'azef after a successful job, justice, being on Chasing Comet's good side, playing card gamesHates: Anyone who would take advantage of and abuse the helpless, even if he may hate the victim - and especially if they harm children, weak willed cowards, yes men, greedy manipulative people/egocentricitySkills/Hobbies: Enjoys sports and card games, has a decent singing voice and can perform duets with Syv, is well read enough to keep up with Syv, spends part of his leisure time following the exploits and shows of his favorite theatre troupes and will take his friends to see a play or go alone, he is the best of the group at arithmetic second only to Weyd's geniusHandedness: AmbidextrousFavorite Pastime: Viewing stageplaysFact: Learned to clean his teeth with his dagger
Born in The Brume of Ishgard to poor Elezen parents, Mercuo spent much of his childhood and early adolecence stirring trouble. He moved in and out of several street gangs unleashing the frustration and boredom living under a vindictive mother and father. For this and his refusal to change, his parents gave him to an orphanage at 11.The clergy there did their utmost to remold and redirect his energy into productive things; one of these he did along with other boys was playing with toy swords. Under supervision his caretakers believed the best way to instill rowdy ill tempered boys discipline (beyond ferverent religious instruction), was holding them to basic Temple Knight standards.After much effort he began taking to this regimented way of life. He learned to stop fighting authority for the fruitless results it gave; more importantly, he loved the sword. If it meant following strict rules for the chance to play duel and hold one, so be it. In time he entered his early teens and resolved to join the ultimate swordsmen, the Temple Knights. He passed tests to become a squire after failing five times prior; once in his new home he quickly grasped a newfound, earnest brotherhood.Among his new relationships his unit captain became a surrogate father. He lived to improve to better serve and with his help tempered further the anger that once lead him to delinquency. On the day he was knighted he cried upon hearing he'd made him proud.For the first time he made great strides at all he did and within a few years he'd hardly recognize the boy he'd been. When he was 16 however, he encountered his captain alone in the armory. While he polished his blade the man sat beside him; they spoke as usual. Some time passed before he realized a hand crept on his thigh.They went their separate ways soon after and despite its oddity, he thought nothing hard of it.A year later he encountered the sight of his captain entering an orphanage around a back-alley. In haste he made way to follow and greet him; he thought nothing of the darkness nor the winding path a short time in. Neither did any good to conceal what came next.Two confused children, boy and girl, struggled against an assault they had no power to stop. Mercuo stood frozen with shock out of direct sight as they were fondled, their clothes torn further at every escape attempt. Tears poured down his face and he sunk to his knees against a wall. For a moment he could do nothing as the sounds of struggle gave way to the start of begging and screaming.It was in an instant later that his instinct made up for what his mind refused to process. Grief and terror gave way to a hate so total it wrapped him in a trance. He unsheathed his sword and sprung his captain from behind with a stab through his stomach. When the man spun around releasing a child and tumbling over his lowered pants blow after blow tore into his flesh.It may have been mere minutes or hours; Mercuo continued to stab, slice, and sever in a haze of red long after he'd made his kill. He grew disheveled and by the time Knights found him, he was still hacking at the twitching corpse. He remained crying all the while, his eyes vacant, his sword swinging even as they dragged him away. The body was mush to be scraped into bags.At trial he was stripped of his titles, gear, and knighthood; though he protested he was shown the truth, a sect of the clergy had been bribed to provide the dead predator with victims. Greater Ishgardian society had declared the man still of noble house, therefore his honor and privilege needed to be defended.Mercuo escaped from prison days later with nothing but the clothes on his back. Despite the manhunt for him he eluded authorities long enough to escape and shelter as another nameless traveler among the hundreds that navigated Eorzea. After a month he found himself in Ul'Dah. It took him until his 20th birthday after three years to recover enough to some semblancy of normal.He worked odd jobs and sometimes swiped from food stalls. His skills ensured he was someone not lacking for employers and money came stable. His shift into full mercenary had begun by the time he met Syv. The man stood massive and built solid as stone with a taste for beer and ale as strong as the average city-goer. He carried no weapons. Mercuo was about to find out why moments after they were sat beside each other at a bar.Both were the kind of drunk that was a powder keg waiting to blow. A heated argument soon began when Syv jeered at Mercuo's "pretty boy" looks making his sword for show as some pampered heir. Things escalated quickly to a fist fight; Syv proved even not all there to be a martial arts expert. Though Mercuo put up a good defense he couldn't win, yet his stubbornness and years as a child thug returned to let him stand his ground anyway.They fought even after being thrown out until both grew too tired to move. By then they slowly came to their senses and laughed. They'd acted so foolishly like worked up children lashing out; now they instead helped each other limp toward the nearest apothecary. Afterwards they talked for hours and swapped stories. This was the first of Mercuo's true friendships.
Thus began their time as a mercenary duo; eventually they expanded with the addition of G'azef Tia, another sellsword Mercuo fell for on a job in La Noscea. Together their skills were in high enough demand they drew the attention of another merc band; K'ali Banhi's Warwolves co-run with her twin brother, N'ali Tia. From their first meeting to the present they have a friendly if at times bitter and petty business rivalry. More than one occasion has found both parties thrown from the 'Star Dancer' (a place run by ex-mercenary Chasing Comet) tavern for fighting and causing ruckus.Despite this deep down even they have formed something like friendship, if not respect.Mercuo and his partners have been on and off the employ of Weyd Calderon for a few years. She is a favored client for her no nonsense attitude, manners, and bottomless coin. It was by chance they were around again for the season when they heard of Arch-Mage Calderon working with the Warrior of Light.The sheer scale once Vaste's plans were revealed now finds Mercuo and Syv pulled into what feels like destiny; like redemption.

Syvinborn "Syv" Geimfoetsyn
Age: 25Height: 7'0Birthday: 3/5 | 5th Sun of the Second Astral MoonWeapon: His giant body, whatever else is at hand works tooFavorite Liquor: Wines (but most people can't know since he has a rough image to maintain) paired with native Lominsan cheese made from Night MilkStaple Things In His Bag: La Nocean Oranges, 5 meters of thick rope at all times, oil flask and candles he made himself, his lucky fountain pen, local maps, a notebook that's an all in one journal, planner, and cartography log along with weather log and another notebook just to practice penmanship, a silk red handkerchief he's had since childhood that his sister made, needle and lamb gut string, flint and strikerPreferred Hours of Sleep: 10, no more nor less on a good day; for best comfort it has to be in his cotton striped pajama set with nightcapFavorite Foods: Steamed lobster tail and crab meat right from the legWorkout Routine: 100 of sit ups, push ups, curls, lunges, and squats divided into 25 or 50 each across the day depending on how he feels, 4 kilometer run at dawn then again before bed- the first followed by a cold shower to prevent muscle inflammation and improve circulation and the second with a hot shower to relax muscles
Born before the outlaw of piracy in Limsa Lominsa, his family thrived as one of the most successful pirate crews of their age. They plundered more ships and villages than their logs could accurately record in a given week. Their reign of terror spread across continents and islands alike; each new conquest brought them not only pleasures and loot but expanded their numbers, willing or otherwise. At its peak they commanded over a dozen ships formed within sub-groups and various ship models.Though they enjoyed their spoils the core family looked down on nepotism. Syv worked his way from birth in the same beginnings as any other Swab. By the time of his teenage years he graduated to a Sailing Master under his father's and fellow Master's lessons on charting.His expertise and flexible thinking led the crews to extend their reach of terror; his ability to chart paths through weather others considered impossible allowed them to strike with unprecedented precision, before disappearing like the wind. By his handiwork he watched every atrocity hardened criminals could perform in silence. A sensitive man, he aided captives and victims in what little ways he could away from his crewmate's eyes. Ultimately however he often watched them suffer their fates, powerless under his family's thumb.At the age of 20 he watched his proud father sit at the mercy of Admiral Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn, as the Limsa Lominsa government held him at gunpoint. He signed his crew's compliance to the anti-piracy ban and refused the Galadion Accord offer to plunder Garlean ships under the government's service; just like that none would take to the sea as they had the rest of their lives. Now out of a job and with few options that didn't end in mucking to provide for the Lominsan state, the family took their riches and purchased land.First they attempted ranching, then a dairy farm, then finally at their wits end and after tracking down over a dozen old crew- the Unbroken Wench Shipwright opened its doors.In a year it had a promising start, within two the family proved they could wrangle a business together as tightly as their ships. Money once more came easy in ways that let Syv sleep at night. He spent his days throwing himself into the new trade; while he found it tough but entertaining work, always up for a challenge, the past soon weighed down his mind.It was in a moment of clarity that he quit the family business. Though good with his hands and nagged by his family for a time, living quietly while burying their sins brought him shame. He made up his mind for the first large decision in his life; as penance for the past he would serve the world's people as a well intentioned mercenary. In places of anxiety, doubt, and fear he'd offer his skills to better lives.Though well versed in pirate style boxing and brawling aboard ships, he decided it was best to formally educate himself. He enrolled in the Pugilist Guild of Ul'Dah, training his body and mind for what awaited him. An entire year and a half of harsh training building his discipline to overcome seemingly impossible tasks was enough time to marry his foundational style to this new school. He excelled among his peers and could be found practicing deep into the night. Then he'd awaken at dawn to repeat it all over again.Another year passed this way. He graduated from honing his intense physical ability to emphasizing meditation. For him its not enough to mindlessly march through life following plans; a person must be able to reflect and seek the betterment of their mind through change, through asking 'Why?' often. Before his student life could become three years he struck out into mercenary work. His farewell feat was to split three large stacked boulders with one punch.He enjoys a variety of homely and introspective hobbies. Some, like sewing, basic first aid, journaling, and drawing are holdover skills from his life at sea. Whenever he reaches a new area he will pull out one of his journals to sketch the land. Beneath this sketch from then on, he details every exciting encounter or landmark discovered; including a list of completed jobs there and owed favors.His other journals include thoughts and memos, handwriting practice, poetry and detailed drawings, lists of favorite restaurants and pubs etc. Whenever he can spare a moment he complies his adventures and mails home, where his sister reads his letters aloud. He himself is well learned and enjoys reading philosophy, but has an avid taste for any literature he gets his hands on, often discussing even plays with Mercuo.Joining Vaste on her quest admittedly started from a place of morbid curiosity; just how far could a broken person go? In time however he joins Mercuo's line of thought; perhaps there is redemption in ending gods that thrive off savagery. If nothing else, it may be the journey of his life. An opportunity that may never come again.
Supporting Cast
(Under Construction)
U'ingwe TiaAge: 16
Height: 5'6 | 167 cm
Birthday: 3/25 | 25th Sun of the Second Astral Moon
Occupation: Hunter of the U Tribe

One of Vaste's youngest brothers. He was born sickly and scrawny a few weeks premature. Though he grew and stabilized he remained smaller and easy to push around. This placed an insecurity in him and a tendency to over extend himself for recognition.Despite this Vaste's kindness and protection defending him from others and her willingness to play molded his self confidence. Even today his optimism and beliefs stem largely from her example of never giving up no matter the strain. He has come to embody the spirit she has since hidden in adulthood; where once he relied on her care as a little brother, now he reminds her of her humanity.Like most of his family he is stubborn and blunt, never hesitating to blurt out his thoughts embarrassing or otherwise. He makes an effort to be in touch with his emotions, brandishing and expressing them boldly to anyone including his revered father U'odh Nunh (though with his father he is mindful of his words).Some would call him reckless for spurning the strict emotional restraint and pride the U cultivate. Though his critics blame his youth for his deviance he has no intention of conforming with time. He lives striking a balance between the traditions he has known and being true to himself.
U'rahtalo Odh(Note - This is a canon NPC with no confirmed info)
Age: 24
Height: 5'1 / 154 cm
Birthday: 10/9 | 9th Sun of the Fifth Umbral Moon
Occupation: Huntress of the U Tribe

An older sister of Vaste. She possesses a strong will taking after her father U'odh's no nonsense attitude. Helping others remains her drive for each day, though she refrains from showing it in grand gestures. Instead her ease in offering a comforting word, in her tireless patience as a listener, in telling jokes, hands on care, or initiating a cleansing bath after a day's stress are her expressions of the U's communal bond.From her Vaste gained the foundations to understand empathy as a child. She is concerned for and protective of her younger siblings no matter their age, not hesitating to jump into danger for them. This is while still paying respect to her own older siblings, even whenever they should disagree otherwise. The natural flaws her siblings have absorbed from their society formed the basis of her drive to model a more empathetic approach for others.Among her beliefs is the importance in trust and being unafraid to ask for help. She takes pride in her work and accomplishments, certain that if something is worth doing it should be done as right as possible. This even extends to her relaxation time, with no second wasted or part of her strained. She is rational as much as she is intuitive and empathetic. Few in the tribe can match her skill at dune worm hunting in part for this attitude.She still worries for her sister since Vaste's departure and keeps an ear to the ground for whatever news she can get. In the end however she respects Vaste's choice, being one of the few to continue defending her from any slander at home.
U'thulani Odh
Age: 24
Height: 5'1 / 154 cm
Birthday: 11/7 | 7th Sun of the Sixth Astral Moon
Occupation: Huntress of the U Tribe / Protector of tribe borders

U'nkanyezi Tia
Age: 25
Height: 5'11 / 180 cm
Birthday: 10/3 | 3rd Sun of the Fifth Umbral Moon
Occupation: Hunter of the U Tribe / Potential Nunh

Yhen'ir GanajaiAge: 25
Height: 5'8 / 172 cm
Birthday: 2/22 | 25th Sun of the First Umbral Moon
Occupation: Leader of the Battered Bastards mercenaries

The sixth son of a sister to Matriarch Oghii Tayuun who knows his way around a war axe. Raised in the Moon Keeper tradition he saw little contact with the communities women enjoyed, rarely saw his siblings, knew little on who fathered him, and followed his male mentor like a stray. He grew to be self sufficient with independent thinking, at the cost of isolation.For lack of anything better he followed tradition year after year. He came of age and wandered alone, survived alone, visited villages to mate, produced no children, and had no lasting friends.Day after day of a routine that stuck him in a rut of mediocrity took its toll. Eventually he realized he might go mad forcing himself to continue a half life. To live in stasis was no different from death; he struck out for martial training the next day. In so doing he encountered Jeweled Eagle, a woman who gave him the gift of aspirations and sharpened his will to venture through life after her unbowed example despite many hardships.Now years with The Shroud behind him he shines leading his mercenaries from all walks of life. He minds his manners (except when he shouldn't), and leads every interaction or party with a natural cheer. If anyone were to look hard enough it'd be clear he dives into all he does to make up for lost time. Sometimes with it being more than he can chew.Despite his family's distance he does care for them, for hazy memories of days past, and time to time will inquire or send gifts; perhaps desperate for that approval he'll never have. The revelation of being the Warrior of Light's cousin shook him at first, but he's driven to know and understand her. Perhaps for once his family will reach back.
Jeweled EagleAge: 50
Height: 7'3 | 220 cm
Birthday: 7/2 | 2nd Sun of the Fourth Astral Moon
Occupation: Battered Bastards Second-in-Command

Solelle BeaumontAge: 27
Height: 6'5 / 195 cm
Birthday: 1/17 | 17th Sun of the First Astral Moon
Occupation: Independent Mercenary, Gardener of the Botanist Guild

Shiina KaneuchiAge: 21 (at time of death)
Height: 5'2 / 158 cm
Birthday: 4/16 | 16th Sun of the Second Umbral Moon
Occupation: former Jeweler

A woman formerly of Sui no Sato who left her underwater haven for land; her flight was inspired by the rumors of the woman known to the world as Yugiri Mistwalker having left her same village and subsequently been banished from return. She too accepted the same punishment when she could no longer stand living a place of both boring complacency and desiring a the chance to change the world as Yugiri intended to. Now cut off from her family, her home, and her old resources, she set out to Eorzea after a time saving money from her old family trade as a jeweler.Her happy, social childhood paved the way for an upbeat and playful personality. There came no shortage of wonders for her curiosity; though at times naivety got the better of her it only reinforced her quick wit and kindness. Eventually as her success grew she became stabilized enough for business trips between the Far East and Eorzea even as the Garlean Empire rampaged across Doma.She sent the occasional letter home with no replies from her family save one crumpled letter barely spared the wrath of the guard back home. Her parents had begun to wish she'd never left, that they must somehow have encouraged her into making the mistake of her life. Even if she were able to return Sui no Sato would have no place for her; neither would they, not really, in their shame.The news devastated Shiina and for a time threw her pieced together balance into disarray. She spent an entire week cooped in an inn room refusing to see anyone or take any clients. Her sleep patterns became awful as did her eating. She never quite fully recovered once the stupor was broken into hard acceptance. After this she threw herself harder into work, gaining what most would consider a good chunk of coin. None of the joy fully reached her.Her jokes dimmed, her talkativeness lessened, the awakening of her melancholic streak broke out in the months that followed. It was in these circumstances that she met Gan Arulaq. Theirs was a whirlwind romance despite its slow start; try as she did to shun him in the emptiness consuming her as she shunned others, he saw what pieces remained of her goodness and cherished them anyway.Little by little being with him pushed her to release her self imposed shackles and embrace the happiness she still possessed. She gained the steps to confidence on existing for herself regardless of setbacks- an attitude shift that only widened when she met Vaste alongside her idol Yugiri Mistwalker. In a combination of exposure to them all she began to helm life for herself, reveling in choice but most importantly hope. With this she gave her love to Gan fully.The surprise of her pregnancy threw everyone off guard as much as it was in part expected for two as in love as she and Gan were. There came a few brief days of discussion and soul searching before they decided together to raise their child. Their friends did their best to aid the parents to be in any manner they could, a deed Shiina remained grateful for until her death.Her love for Gan reached new depths in watching the care he took to his responsibilities, in the changes making him an aware, thoughtful man more than he already was. It allowed her to once again contemplate her future and remap her resolve. She thought deeply in those months. When the birth arrived she felt as prepared as she could be; after several hard, bloody hours her son Kete gave his first cry in the cool air.Joy overtook everyone as they transitioned to aiding the baby and parents, who themselves took turns sharing burdens equally. Despite giving it everything they had, this same devotion proved fatal for a childbirth weakened Shiina. She developed an infection that proved far stronger than her body; her health failed gradually until there remained only her deathbed.There in her final moments she wrestled with lingering fear, sadness, resignation, and hope. A hope that came in knowing she may die physically yet return to begin anew as a soul from the Lifestream, as one among the Kami, and in the wills of her loved ones. Surrounded by everyone she thanked them, kissed her son, then kissed Gan one last time.She died with a measure of inner peace and her wish to create change fulfilled; those who knew her continue bearing her legacy toward better futures.